[Photo: Portrait of Mrs. Amoe Ululani Haalelea (1842-1904); Hawaiʻi. SP 39741]

[Photo: View of Kawaiahaʻo Church (with steeple) from Punchbowl Street; Honolulu, Hawaiʻi. Ca. 1880. SP 96550.]

Kū nō ka lino i Pi‘ikea

Kū nō ka lino i Pi‘ikeaThe pride goes up to Pi‘ikea

Ke kuhi kaena i ka lehuaProud and boastful of the lehua

Kakaha ka maka o ka ‘ilimaThe eyes of the ‘ilima stray

Ka noho aku a HoakaleiAnd settle on Hoakalei

I lei mae ‘ole ke kīheleA fadeless lei is the kīele

No ka ona o kēlā mokuTo the owner of that ship

Ua ‘oki ‘oe i ka iki ‘oeMind that you do not remain ignorant

Ka pali ku‘i ē ka ‘iwa ku‘iOf the tall chief reached only by the ‘iwa bird

Ma laila aku wau me MakanaLet me be there with Makana

Me ka pahapaha o PolihaleWith pahapaha seaweed of Polihale

Eia ka hale e malu aiHere is the house to shelter him

E noho pono ai ‘o KalaniThe place where the chief is content

[MS SC Roberts 4.2 , Pg. 127-128]

Mele are an invaluable primary resource for Hawaiian scholarship and cultural connection. The Welo Hou: Building Connections to the Roberts Mele Collection project, funded in part by the Institute for Museum and Library Services, will improve the digitization, indexing, and accessibility of a unique and treasured collection of mele dating from pre-Western contact to the early 1900s. This pilot project will serve as a model for improved access to and increased engagement with the Bishop Museum Library & Archives’ other mele collections.

Welo Hou, or to unfurl once again, aims to provide more opportunities for researchers of all levels of Hawaiian language and cultural fluency to access the Roberts Collection with ease, and honors the connections between Hawaiian voices of the past and our community of the present.

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