
Bishop Museum’s Natural Science Department includes a significant Ichthyology collection, begun in 1889 with a small sampling of fishes from off the west coast of North America by the US Fish Commission vessel Albatross. From that modest beginning, the current collection contains over 40,000 cataloged lots (more than 102,000 specimens) obtained from expeditions throughout the twentieth century through today. Collection holdings are from all of the major island groups and tropical regions of the Indo-Pacific. Although the primary emphasis is coral reef species, deep benthic and epipelagic fishes of the central Pacific and the freshwater native fishes of the Hawaiian Islands are also represented.

Butterfly Fish
Butterflyfish Home Page Dr. Richard Pyle and E.H. Chave first reported the presence of a species the butterflyfish genus Prognathodes in the Hawaiian Islands at

Uncovered: The hidden world of Hawaii’s ‘Twilight Zone’
A 20-year study exploring Hawaii’s remarkable mesophotic coral reefs.

Airports and Island Hopping
The Pohnpei 2016 deep diving team departs Honolulu International Airport on the “Island Hopper” flight that crosses the islands of Micronesia, en route to Pohnpei.

In preparation for the 2016 expedition to Pohnpei, a frantic night of packing results in a sleepless night.

Discoveries from previously unexplored depths within the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument and Johnston Atoll
From August to September 2015 the NOAA ship Okeanos Explorer was surveying previously unexplored depths around the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM) and Johnston Atoll.

Butterfly Fish
Butterflyfish Home Page Dr. Richard Pyle and E.H. Chave first reported the presence of a species the butterflyfish genus Prognathodes in the Hawaiian Islands at

Uncovered: The hidden world of Hawaii’s ‘Twilight Zone’
A 20-year study exploring Hawaii’s remarkable mesophotic coral reefs.

Airports and Island Hopping
The Pohnpei 2016 deep diving team departs Honolulu International Airport on the “Island Hopper” flight that crosses the islands of Micronesia, en route to Pohnpei.

In preparation for the 2016 expedition to Pohnpei, a frantic night of packing results in a sleepless night.

Discoveries from previously unexplored depths within the Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument and Johnston Atoll
From August to September 2015 the NOAA ship Okeanos Explorer was surveying previously unexplored depths around the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM) and Johnston Atoll.