Digitization of Ka Hoku o Hawaii
Microfilms: 1906–1917

Cover Image: Our new ScanPro3000 in action.

Aloha Nūhou Monday!

Dear Reader, while cataloging the Bishop Museum collection of Ka Hoku o Hawaii, we realized that the first decade of the Hilo newspaper images were microfilmed and yet for some reason not available online. We decided while we are still in the long process of working out the most efficient and safest methods to digitize the original newspapers, for now the most expedient way to get these pages up online would be to put our newly acquired ScanPro3000 to use and to digitize the microfilms. Although the images will not be anywhere near as good as the images taken from the original newspapers, at least you will have access to the pages that were microfilmed.

We have completed the digitization process and are now working with Papakilo Database to get them OCRed and put up online. Soon you will be able to see things like:

The biography of David Waiau written at his death by his wife Kahoopai Waiau. For starters, she informs us that he was born in Nāʻālehu, Kaʻū on June 16, 1854, making him 53 years old, 10 months, 4 days, and 4½ hours at his death. He was born of the loins of Kalaualoha (w) and Keanu (k).

A story about Pele and her younger sister Hiʻiakaikapoliopele submitted by William Hyde Rice of Kauaʻi that ran from May 21, 1908 to September 10, 1908.

An explanation for why Kualapa, Kauaʻi was given its name.

Image: Excerpt from Mrs. Kahoopai Waiau, “Moolelo no David Waiau,” Ka Hoku o Hawaii, May 14, 1908, page 2.

Image: Excerpt from W. H. Rice, “He Moolelo no Pele a me Kona Kaikaina Hiiaka I Ka Poli O Pele,” Ka Hoku o Hawaii, May 21, 1907, page 1.

Image: Excerpt from “Ke Kumu i Loaa ai o ka Inoa Kualapa” Ka Hoku o Hawaii, July 2, 1908, page 3.

2 Responses

  1. This is an amazing undertaking! Do you know when it will be completed? I was hoping to look at a few excerpts of “Kaao Hooniua Puuwai no Ka-Miki” that were published in October of 1915.

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