Names and Titles

Cover Image: Masthead of Ke Au Okoa published on November 3, 1870.

Aloha Nūhou Monday!

It was not only foreigners who went by different names. Hawaiians themselves often were known by a number of them. Knowing these different titles and names will allow you access to a wider variety of information.

The following articles from the Hawaiian language newspapers speak about a number of people. Can you figure out who they are? Find the answers below.

Image: “Ke ’Lii Kiaaina Wahine,” Ke Au Okoa, November 3, 1870, p. 2.

The Aliʻi Governess.—When the Kilauea docked on Friday evening this past week, the Aliʻi, the Governess of the island of Keawe disembarking. Looking at her state, she is in fine health; she is much better than when she returned to her island. Perhaps her health is dependent upon the good refreshing air of that place. Beloved is that “Calm of ʻEhu!”

(Au Okoa, 11/3/1870, p. 2)

Image: “Ke Lii Kiaaina o Haawaii,” Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, May 25, 1867, p. 2.

The Aliʻi Governor of Hawaiʻi.—In the afternoon of this past Wednesday, the governor chiefess of Hawaiʻi boarded the Lackawana, and sailed for the island of Manokalanipō. Her journey was accompanied by A. Keohokālole, the royal mother of some of our chiefly children, and also going along on this journey was His Excellency Paul Kanoa, being that he is the governor of that island. They perhaps will spend a week there. Due to the kindness of the captain of this ship, the governess was invited to board his vessel and go to Kauaʻi.

(Kuokoa, 5/25/1867, p 2)

Image: “Ma ka auina la Poaha iho nei…,” Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, March 20, 1875, p. 2

In the afternoon of this past Thursday, March 18, the aliʻi ʻAke and Likelike gave a grand reception at their home in the spray of Kualulua, at Waikīkī Kai, to entertain their honored guests. There was a large crowd that gathered there to give thanks to the royal ones who invited them. After fine entertainment, spacious tables were unfurled, heaped with delicacies of all types of haole food, and outdone with our mother’s milk (taro poi) for those who so desired. In attendance, giving the party distinction beyond compare, were the aliʻi: the King and Queen; the Princesses: Lilia, Keanolani, and Pauahi; the husbands of the aliʻi; the Admiral, Captain, and officers of the Pensacola and the Captain and officers of the Reindeer; the distinguished ones of this land; the white-skinned malihini and others who were invited. The prepared reception was greatly praised; the location was sufficiently spacious, and the home was fragrant in the calm.

(Kuokoa, 3/20/1875, p. 2)

Keʻelikōlani is the governor of Hawaiʻi from 1855 to 1874, and she is often referred to by that title.

ʻAke comes from the name Archie, and that is what Archibald Cleghorn was called in Hawaiian.

Lilia is one of Liliʻuokalani’s names.

Keanolani is another name belonging to Keʻelikōlani.

Image: Portrait of Princess Ruth Keʻelikōlani. Photo by Chase, Bishop Museum Archives. SP 96610.

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Image: Portrait of Paul Kanoa, governor of the island of Kauaʻi. Photo by C. L. Chase, Bishop Museum Archives. SP 203381.

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Portrait of Archibald “Ake” S. Cleghorn and his family. Left to right: Rose Kaipuʻala (later Mrs. James Robertson), Helen Manuʻailehua (later Mrs. James H. Boyd), Archibald S. Cleghorn, Annie Pauahi (later Mrs. James H. Wodehouse), and Mrs. A. S. Cleghorn, Princess Miriam Likelike Kekāuluohi Keahilapalapa Kapili. Rose, Helen, and Annie were the daughters of Archibald Cleghorn and Elizabeth Grimes, who were not married. Bishop Museum Archives. SP 210554.

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This post is part of He Aupuni Palapala: Preserving and Digitizing the Hawaiian Language Newspapers, a partnership between Bishop Museum and Awaiaulu with assistance from Kamehameha Schools. Mahalo nui loa to Hawaii Tourism Authority for their support. Learn more about this project here.

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