Report Your Taxes, Stay Off My Property, My Wife Has Been Led Astray

Cover Image: Masthead of Ka Nupepa Kuokoa published on July 24, 1880.

Aloha Nūhou Monday!

It is a usual thing to see a variety of announcements in the newspapers. They can span from ads for businesses such as banks and music stores, to government matters such as tax assessing schedules or legal issues, and to even very personal concerns.

This will be the last month this volume of Ka Nupepa Kuokoa will be on display in the case celebrating the bicentennial of printing in Hawaiʻi on the third floor of Hawaiian Hall. Below you will find a selection of advertisements appearing on the open page of the July 24, 1880 issue.

Image: Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, July 24, 1880, p. 2.

Notice of the Tax Assessor of Koʻolau Poko, Oʻahu

All who owe taxes living in the district above are hereby notified that the Tax Assessor will arrive in Koʻolau Poko, Monday, July 26, 8 a.m. in the morning at Holoapeʻe.

At Hakipuʻu at 10 a.m. in the morning.

At Waiʻanae at 2 p.m. in the afternoon, at the home of J.W.P. Kamealoha.

At the sugar mill of Kaʻalaea, Tuesday, July 27, at noon.

Heʻeia and Kāneʻohe, Wednesday, July 28.

All those from Kualoa to Kāneʻohe, come and report their taxes to the Census Officer at these times.

H. E. Whitney (Wini ʻŌpio)

Tax Assessor of Koʻolau Poko 973 1t

Image: Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, July 24, 1880, p. 2.

My wife in marriage Keahi ran away with Malatiali, the one who caused her to run away. This is the fifth week of her being gone; I have not seen her at all from the day of her disappearance to this day that I am circulating this. From what I have heard, she is being hidden by her close friends in the cave at Weliweli, by an old man that is named Kupele, and her parents are assisting in hiding her. So, I am proclaiming and forbidding that no one is to care for or welcome my wife Keahi. If the one taking care of her and hiding her is seen, I will take him to court. I have left the searching and the capturing to the district magistrate, and the police have not searched for my wife at all to this day, the day I am advertising this. And as a result of their lack of searching, that is why I am directing everyone to sieze the person of Keahi, my wife, when they see her wherever, and take her at once to the magistrate to be tried. I am newly hearing that she is at Kamoʻoloa, at the house of Kea, her friend, and her parents go there to see her. The parents of my wife are the reason for this trouble because it was they who took care of at their house and greatly favored Malatiali, and it was as a result of this that my wife associated extensively with that Malatiali, the one who made her run away. Everyone is directed not to give credit to my wife, or they will end up losing out because I am not going to pay her debts.

Peter Paniolo

Kōloa, July 5, 1880

972 4t*

Image: Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, July 24, 1880, p. 2.

Let it be known to all people trespassing on the land of Kawailoa and Lauhulu, in Waialua, island of Oʻahu,

Without permission from the one whose name appears below; and all of the dogs found on these lands will be shot with a gun. As for those whose animals occupy these lands, they should make themselves known before the one whose name appears below.

Gasper Silva

Waialua, July 13, 1880.

972 1m*

Image: Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, July 24, 1880, p. 2.


Wanted are

Newly salted cow hide [wet salt hide]

And goat skin

The highest price will be given in cash payment by

Hugh Mackay.

Supervisor of the Tannery in Kaholaloa, Honolulu.

Great quantities of sheep skin will be bought at a good price in cash.

Honolulu, Feb. 16, 1880.


Image: Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, July 24, 1880, p. 2.

C. C. Coleman.

Blacksmith and Machinist

Horse shoeing


Carriage Construction, &c.,

Workshop on King Street, close to Fort Street.

905 tf

Image: Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, July 24, 1880, p. 2.


From the 1st of Janurary, 1880 and on,

It will be 2 dollars per deck passenger aboard the steamship James Makee between the ports of Oʻahu and ports of Kauaʻi.

T. R. Foster & Co. (Poka Mā.)

941 tf

Image: Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, July 24, 1880, p. 2.

Let it be known to all, do not shoot and catch wild steer and horses on the land of Kaupakuea, Makahanaloa and Pepeʻekeo, in the district of Hilo, island of Hawaiʻi from this day on and thereafter.

Hilo, Hawaiʻi, May 7, 1880.

C. Afong,

963 6m 987*

Image: Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, July 24, 1880, p. 2.

Charles Gulick,

Certifier of deeds, mortgages, and documents of that type.

Notary Public

Contracts between masters and servants.

Agent to grant marriage licenses.

At the corner of Queen and Kaʻahumanu Streets, city of Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

906 tf

Image: Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, July 24, 1880, p. 2.

Charles Neilson

Medical Doctor,

Office at the corner of Fort Street and Hotel Street


Illnesses of the eye, ear, and throat.

He is prepared to treat patients.

955 1y

Image: Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, July 24, 1880, p. 2.

Bishop & Co.

Savings Bank!

We take care of people’s money in the bank as follows:

If someone deposits $300 or less, then we pay six per cent in interest per year, from the day that it is brought in, to the day that it is withdrawn, should the deposit be left for three months or more. No interest is calculated for a fraction of a dollar, and for a partial month.

If they withdraw their money early, and the three months have not passed, there is no interest.

If a person is thinking of withdrawing their money, they must come to the bank with their intent to withdraw 30 days prior, and their book must be brought in as well.

Only by draft of the depositor will he get paid, and his book must be brought in as well.

On the first day of September of each year the money will be collected, and the interest will be combined with the principal of the money that was deposited for the three months or greater, and the principal will increase upon which the interest will accrue.

If the deposit amount is greater than $300, then terms mutually decided.

The bank is open on all working days.

Bishop & Co.

851 tf

Image: Studio portrait of H. E. Whitney [Wini ʻŌpio]; Honolulu, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi. (Back inscription: His Excellency Michinori Nagasaki with kindest remembrances, I remain yours very truly, H. E. Whitney). Photo by Dickson, Bishop Museum Archives. SP 210522

Image sharing on social media is welcome. For all other uses please contact 

Image: Studio portrait of Charles T. Gulick [Kale Gulika]. Bishop Museum Archives. SP 210521

Image sharing on social media is welcome. For all other uses please contact 

Image: View of Merchant Street with Bishop & Co. Bank  [Kō Bīhopa Mā Banakō Mālama Dālā]; Honolulu, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi. ca. 1878. Bishop Museum Archives. SCP 74071

Image sharing on social media is welcome. For all other uses please contact 

This post is part of He Aupuni Palapala: Preserving and Digitizing the Hawaiian Language Newspapers, a partnership between Bishop Museum and Awaiaulu with assistance from Kamehameha Schools. Mahalo nui loa to Hawaii Tourism Authority for their support. Learn more about this project here.

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