Words to Remind, Inspire, and Uplift

Cover Image: Masthead of Ka Hoku o Hawaii published on March 11, 1909.

Aloha Nūhou Monday!

Dear Reader, Joseph Kahoʻoluhi Nāwahīokalaniʻōpuʻu was many things; among these, a politician, an artist, and a composer, but above all, he was a patriot. The biography of Nāwahī was written by John G. M. Sheldon (Kahikina Kelekona), and in 1908 it was published under the title, “Ka Buke Moolelo o Hon. Joseph K. Nawahi.” Ka Hoku o Hawaii, printed in Nāwahī’s home town of Hilo, was proud indeed of this publication. It was something the new generations could read, learn from, and emulate. Hale Kuamoʻo in Hilo subsequently reprinted the biography in 1996.

Image: “Ka Buke Moolelo o Hon. J. Nawahi,” Ka Hoku o Hawaii, March 11, 1909, p. 3.

Biography of the Hon. J. Nāwahī

It is customary among celebrated nations of the world to publish biographies of their famous people. And through these publications, they become means by which to educate the younger generations of those lands.

Hawaiʻi is following in these footsteps, and here before the people of this land is a fine story of the life of a famous Hawaiian of the land. He was a man who participated in politics of his land. He was a student who persevered in school. He was a Christian and he was a leader in good endeavors along with the fathers of righteousness. He is a man whose own lāhui would not be ashamed of his story.

This book was prepared under the supervision of his widow [Emma Nāwahī], one of the leading women in the newspaper printing business here in Hawaiʻi. We encourage our readers to provide your homes with the fine biography of this man for whom Hawaiʻi should be proud. It is $2.00 for the book, and it is worth the cost.

(Ka Hoku o Hawaii, 3/11/1909, p. 3)

Image: Title page of “Ka Buke Moolelo o Hon. Joseph K. Nawahi,” written and edited by J. G. M. Sheldon. Honolulu: Bulletin Publishing Co., Ltd. 1908. Bishop Museum Archives. SP 219271.

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Image: Hon. Joseph K. Nāwahī, as published in his biography, “Ka Buke Moolelo o Hon. Joseph K. Nawahi,” written and edited by J. G. M. Sheldon. Honolulu: Bulletin Publishing Co., Ltd. 1908. Bishop Museum Archives. SP 219272.

Image sharing on social media is welcome. For all other uses please contact Archives@BishopMuseum.org.

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