Vertebrate Zoology

The Vertebrate Zoology Collections at Bishop Museum include assemblages of mammals, birds, amphibians, and reptiles, along with fossils from Hawaiʻi and the Pacific Basin, with some material from other regions. The staff of these collections document non-fish vertebrates of the region through the collection and preservation of specimens, so they will be available to scientists, students, artists, and all interested persons through loans and supervised use at the Museum.

Conquering My Fears in the Vertebrate Zoology Collection
Conquering My Fears in the Vertebrate Zoology Collection Home Page My name is Andrea, and I’m a first grade teacher at Mililani Waena Elementary School.

Winged Ambassadors by Oikonos Ecosystem Knowledge
Explore a free curriculum package focused on teaching STEM and ocean literacy skills through the eyes of albatrosses.

Finding Hawaiʻi’s Lost Fowl
Learn about ancient birds that inhabited Oahu thousands of years ago, and the role that Bishop Museum plays in revealing their natural history.

Honeycreepers & Adaptive Radiation
Explore resources about the Hawaiian Honeycreepers and other unique forest birds found only in Hawaii.

Michael Gloriani Visits Vertebrate Zoology
Michael Gloriani Visits Vertebrate Zoology Vertebrate Zoology Michael Gloriani, a senior undergraduate Biology student at the University of San Diego, visited the Vertebrate Zoology collection

Carmen Antaky Visits Vertebrate Zoology
Carmen Antaky Visits Vertebrate Zoology Vertebrate Zoology Carmen Antaky, a Masters student at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, visited the Vertebrate Zoology (VZ) collection

Danielle Wasserman Visits Vertebrate Zoology
Danielle Wasserman, a PhD student from the City University of New York (CUNY), spent just over a week in Bishop Museum’s Vertebrate Zoology collection examining our Hawaiian honeycreeper specimens.

Dr. Allen Allison on an Expedition to New Britain, PNG – Part 3
A look at some of the amazing animals found by the expedition team!

Conquering My Fears in the Vertebrate Zoology Collection
Conquering My Fears in the Vertebrate Zoology Collection Home Page My name is Andrea, and I’m a first grade teacher at Mililani Waena Elementary School.

Winged Ambassadors by Oikonos Ecosystem Knowledge
Explore a free curriculum package focused on teaching STEM and ocean literacy skills through the eyes of albatrosses.

Finding Hawaiʻi’s Lost Fowl
Learn about ancient birds that inhabited Oahu thousands of years ago, and the role that Bishop Museum plays in revealing their natural history.

Honeycreepers & Adaptive Radiation
Explore resources about the Hawaiian Honeycreepers and other unique forest birds found only in Hawaii.

Michael Gloriani Visits Vertebrate Zoology
Michael Gloriani Visits Vertebrate Zoology Vertebrate Zoology Michael Gloriani, a senior undergraduate Biology student at the University of San Diego, visited the Vertebrate Zoology collection

Carmen Antaky Visits Vertebrate Zoology
Carmen Antaky Visits Vertebrate Zoology Vertebrate Zoology Carmen Antaky, a Masters student at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, visited the Vertebrate Zoology (VZ) collection

Danielle Wasserman Visits Vertebrate Zoology
Danielle Wasserman, a PhD student from the City University of New York (CUNY), spent just over a week in Bishop Museum’s Vertebrate Zoology collection examining our Hawaiian honeycreeper specimens.

Dr. Allen Allison on an Expedition to New Britain, PNG – Part 3
A look at some of the amazing animals found by the expedition team!