Bits of News from a Hundred Years Ago.
Cover Image: Masthead of Ka Hoku o Hawaii published on March 1, 1923.
Aloha Nūhou Monday!
In many of the Hawaiian language newspapers, there was a column of short news items of all sorts: descriptions of neighborhood parties, the latest weather, fundraiser announcements, and who took whom to court and for what.
The columns would come under titles like, “Kela ame Keia” [This and That], “Na Hunahuna Mea Hou” [Bits of News], “Nuhou Kuloko” [Local News], “Nuhou Kuloko Pokole” [Short Local News], “Nuhou Hope Loa” [Latest News], “Na Anoai” [News], and “Hunahuna Kuloko” [Local Bits]. The following is from the Hilo newspaper Ka Hoku o Hawaii, and so most of the news is from Hilo.

Image: “Kela ame Keia,” Ka Hoku o Hawaii, Buke XVI, Helu 40, Aoao 3. Maraki 1, 1923.
What do the women think of being taxed $5.00 a year?
The grand jury will convene to consider the case of Joe Anaru [Joseph Andrews] of the office of public lands of Hilo.
According to the latest news received by the Hoku, it will be a haole who will fill the place of Andrews of the office of public lands of Hilo.
The members of the legislature must search carefully for haole women schoolteachers who wander about at night. Perhaps these are the seeds of bringing in teachers here to Hawaiʻi.
There is a bill introduced in the House of Representatives that would give the wife of Delegate Kūhiō [Elizabeth Kahanu] a pension of $500.
The Finance Committee of the House of Representatives refused to cut the pay of Territorial employees in this session of the legislature, save for some unexpected happening.
On the 5th of March the committees of the Welfare Bureau will go into the communities to ask for assistance with its current funds.
This past Monday auditing of the Hilo Office of Public Lands was completed. But nothing was reported on how much that office is short.
The Volcano House is filled with people going to see the lava these nights.
There are many bills introduced in the legislature, and some of those bills are for the waste basket.
Rev. Akaiko Akana is the chaplain of the Senate.
Fourteen gamblers were arrested by the police last week, and they got off on $15 bail without going before S. L. Desha Jr. That is a lot of money for the County.
There was a laulau sale by the girls of the Haili Choir on the birthday of Washington, and they made some change. How lively.
The price of sugar is rising these days 7.26 cents.
The rain of Hilo is back these days, and the growing things of the land are green once again.
According to the report of Delegate Baldwin, the Congress of the United States passed the appropriation for the Breakwater of Hilo nei, that being $374,000.00
This past Monday the case of Joe Correa was held but the number of jurors was not sufficient to try the case. This was his second trial.
Senator Jarrett introduced a resolution that was approved of unanimously by the Senate, asking the Congress of the United States to have the Governor of Hawaiʻi be elected.
This Friday the Matsonia will stop here in Hilo with passengers who will go to see the Crater.
This coming week, our Board of Supervisors will meet.
(Hoku o Hawaii, 3/1/1923, p. 3)

Image: Prince and Princess Kalanianaʻole at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in St. Louis, Missouri. 1903. Bishop Museum Archives. SP 120894

Image: Rev. Akaiko Akana of Kawaiahaʻo Church; Honolulu, Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi. June 1927. Photo by Williams Studio, Bishop Museum Archives. SP 102430.

Image: Volcano House hotel visitors observing a major eruption of Halemaʻumaʻu Crater; Kīlauea, Hawaiʻi. May 24, 1924. Photo by Tai Sing Loo, Bishop Museum Archives. SP 86421
This post is part of He Aupuni Palapala: Preserving and Digitizing the Hawaiian Language Newspapers, a partnership between Bishop Museum and Awaiaulu with assistance from Kamehameha Schools. Mahalo nui loa to Hawaii Tourism Authority for their support. Learn more about this project here.