Vital Statistics

Cover Image: Masthead of Ka Nupepa Kuokoa published on January 25, 1862.

Aloha Nūhou Monday!

Hawaiian language newspapers often devoted a column to vital statistics. Below, see H. M. Whitney soliciting the information from teachers and principals. Births, marriages, and deaths happening across the archipelago was understandably important for the readership of Kuokoa.

Image: “Ke kauohaia’ku nei na Lunakula…” Ka Nupepa Kuokoa, January 25, 1862, p. 3.

School Principals and Teachers are directed to send the names of people who are Born, Married, and those who Died, so that they may be published in Ka Nupepa Kuokoa. Write on the outside of the letter, to H. M. Whitney [H. M. Wini], Publisher of the Kuokoa; or hand it to the agents of the Kuokoa.


Kanaulu—Jan. 9, at Lauhulu, Kawailoa, Waialua, Oʻahu, born was Kanaulu (m.), by Kalanui and Kalima.

Kekukaiwa—Jan. 9, at Keawaawaihe, Kamananui, Waialua, Oʻahu, born was Kekukaiwa (m), by Hamole and Halau.

Kahoomanawanui—Jan. 10, at Keawakapu, Honuaʻula, born was Huresa Kahoomanawanui (f.), by Kekauai and Laamea.

Kapika—Jan. 2, at Waialua, Molokaʻi, born was Kapika (f.), by Papi and Kekulupaewa.

Maraea—Jan. 6, at Waialua, Molokaʻi, born was Maraea (f.), by Mahoe and Kahele.

Kauhukiai—Jan. 4, at Honomuni, Molokaʻi, born was Kauhukiai, by Pali and Keluakane.

Kahaule—Dec. 24, 1861, at Honomuni, Molokaʻi, born was Kahaule, by Kekua and Pane.

Nameless—Dec. 31, 1861, at Waimānalo, Koʻolau, Oʻahu, born was Nameless (m.), by Kahookapu and Kapulu.

Daimana—Jan. 23, at ʻĀpua, Honolulu, Oʻahu, born was Daimana, by Makuakaneole and Kapaku.

Leimakani—Jan. 21, at Kamakela, Honolulu, Oʻahu, born was Leimakani (m.), by Kahanuloa and Moa.


Poonui—Kaohimaunu—Dec. 25, 1861, at Ulupau, Molokaʻi, married were Poonui and Kaohimaunu; Rev. A. O. Forbes conducted their marriage.

Kapahi—Wahinepio—Jan. 20, at ʻAikupika, Honolulu, married were John L. Kapahi and Rose Wahinepio; Rev. E. W. Clark conducted their marriage.

Spencer—Brown—Jan. 23, at ʻAuwaiolimu, Honolulu, Oʻahu, married were C. N. Spencer and Anne E. Brown; Rev. S. C. Damon conducted their marriage. We received a piece of the wedding cake; to the married couple, our great aloha.


Koa—Dec. 25, 1861, at Aakala, Paʻalaʻa, Waialua, Oʻahu, Koa (m.) died.

Doleka—Dec. 4, 1861, at Waialua, Molokaʻi, Daleka (f.) died.

Lono—Dec. 27, 1861, at Waialua, Molokaʻi, Lono died.

Kokahi—Dec. 10, 1861, at Moanui, Molokaʻi, Kokahi (f.) died.

Kua—Jan. 3, at Honomuni, Molokaʻi, Kua died.

Nakai—Jan. 9, at Kūmimi, Molokaʻi, L. H. Nakai died. She was a girl who was greatly loved by all of her people.

Ahi—Jan. 20, at Honolulu, Oʻahu, Ahi died; a Chinese merchant in this town for the past years.

Kaula—Jan. 22, at Kīkīhale, Honolulu, Oʻahu, Kaula (f.) died.

Kaopuaki—Dec. 28, 1861, at Pūkoʻo, Molokaʻi, Kaopuaki (f.) died; the sickness she died of was edema.

Kahukiai—Dec. 29, 1861, at Kamalō, Molokaʻi, Kahukiai (f.) died.

Nawahie—Jan. 1, at Keawanui, Molokaʻi, Nawahie (f.) died; she died of diptheria [?].

Kaapuiki—Jan. 23, at ʻĀpua, Honolulu, Oʻahu, Kaapuiki (m.) died.

Keanu—Jan. 18, at Honokaʻupu, Honolulu, Oʻahu, Keana (f.) died; she died of a sickness in the knee; she was sick for eight months and simply died.

(Kuokoa, 1/25/1862, p. 3)

Image: Portrait of Henry M. Whitney [Wini]. Photo by Taber (San Francisco, California). Bishop Museum Archives. SP 73465.

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This post is part of He Aupuni Palapala: Preserving and Digitizing the Hawaiian Language Newspapers, a partnership between Bishop Museum and Awaiaulu with assistance from Kamehameha Schools. Mahalo nui loa to Hawaii Tourism Authority for their support. Learn more about this project here.

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